Reverend Lucy Brencher 

We are delighted to announce that Reverend Lucy Brencher has accepted the offer to become Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Alne and of the Benefice of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse. 

Bishop John says of Lucy’s appointment: ‘It is wonderful news that Revd Lucy Brencher is to become the next Priest in Charge of the Benefices of Alne and of Skelton with Shipton and Newton on Ouse.  Lucy has considerable experience of rural mission and ministry having served her title in Rural Ainsty and latterly been leading the parishes of Acaster Malbis, Appleton Roebuck and Acaster Selby alongside ministry in the Copmanthorpe Group in which she has developed services and community events to engage local people, especially the young.  She also served the Tadcaster Benefice during their last vacancy.  I am confident that with God’s grace this will be a great adventure for the parishes of West Galtres.’ 

Revd Lucy says of her appointment: ‘I will be delighted to be the new Priest in charge of the West Galtres churches.  I am very much looking forward to meeting everyone, worshipping together and discerning ways to grow 

Tuesday 16th April AGM

Please come and join our annual general meeting. This is a very important meeting for the appointment of church officers and an opportunity to hear and be involved in the life of the church.

The meeting is at 7:30 pm in the church and will be followed by a short business meeting of the DDC.

Good Friday meditation



We had a very moving mediation on Good Friday. Many thanks to Alison for all her hard work and her inspiring words

Easter in the parish

Prepare for Easter and enjoy a warm welcome at the 3 churches in our parish

An opportunity  to share in the good news of Easter

Labyrinth Feb 2024

Many of our church members were moved by walking the labyrinth. Below are the different stations and we hope that you will enjoy the walk as well.

Click on the first image and then use the arrow keys to navigate through the labyrinth

Carols by Candlelight

Prepare for Christmas and enjoy a celebratory evening

An opportunity to enjoy good company and to share in the singing of Carols both traditional new

Mediation group

An opportunity to be quiet and reflective before Advent.

A guided mediation on “waiting”

All are welcome to join in this quiet contemplative hour

 Thin places August 2023

     by Graham Jones Reader in Alne Parish

A few years ago, I found myself on a Royal Jordanian flight to Amman and was curious to see what kind of in-flight entertainment would be offered on an Arab airline. Alongside The Smurfs Film and readings from the Qur’an, I found an absorbing documentary on the search for the site of Jesus’ baptism.


John’s Gospel describes the baptism happening at Bethany ‘on the other side of the river Jordan’, but no such place now exists.  But thanks to the discovery of a 6th century mosaic map in nearby Madaba and the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace treaty that allowed the area to be cleared of mines, archaeologists believe they’ve found it, some distance from the Jordan because the river has shifted its course. They’ve since been excavating early Christian shrines built at the spot before the memory of it was lost.


Fascinating stuff. But what also caught my interest in watching the documentary was one contributor talking about the concept of ‘thin places’ – certain locations where heaven seems to stoop very close to earth. 


Although, as Christians, we say that God is everywhere and where you worship doesn’t matter, it’s also part of our belief that we live in parallel worlds – the earthly and the spiritual. Sometimes the spiritual world clearly and decisively breaks in, as happened with the coming of Jesus.  But could it be that there are certain locations where the membrane between earth and heaven is extra-thin and the feeling of God’s presence more tangible?


I’m sure many of us will have had the experience of sensing something beyond ourselves in particular places.  What does it for me is sitting alone in the deep silence of an ancient church where centuries of prayer have imprinted themselves on the atmosphere and the air feels almost palpably thicker.  We have a wealth of such churches in our part of North Yorkshire, so why not look one out and see what you discover?  The churches at Alne and Aldwark, for example, are open most days during daylight hours and visitors are welcome.   


The fact that Christians in every age have gone on pilgrimages to sacred sites speaks further of the spiritual pull of ‘thin places’.  And if these places exist, the spot where the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove must surely be one.


For more on the rediscovery of the baptism site, take a look at


Summer Hot Spot

We are having a break from Hot Spot in the church until next winter, we will miss you and however we would like to invite you to come and have lunch with us every month on a Sunday after church.

 Come for 12 noon, on the last Sunday in the month.

We’d love to see you in church at 10.30 too but that’s not obligatory!

The summer dates are:-

        Sunday April 30th

                           Sunday May 28th(Arthur is doing a barbecue)

                           Sunday June 25th

                           Sunday July 30th

                           Sunday August 27th

New Church Warden

We are delighted that Richard Swan is taking over as our new church warden. He replaces Arthur Harland who has done a magnificent job for well over 20 years. Arthur's wisdom and vision will be missed on the PCC but we know that he will continue to be an acitve participating member of the congregation

Departure of Rev Debbie Coyne Jan 2023

We were exceedingly sorry to say goodbye to Debbie and Aslam. We have greatly benefited from Debbie’s ministry over the last 3 ½ years. Her insight and spirituality have been a breath of fresh air to all of us who have known her. We wish her every blessing in her new post in Rotherham


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